Marengo Times Article: Welcome Bulldog Antiques

Welcome, Bulldog Antiques, By Peg Bowman 07 16, July 10, 2016 Memorial Day Weekend saw the grand opening of a new business enterprise in Marengo. Bulldog Antiques is located in the house on the corner of Adams and State Streets that at one time was owned by Margaret Echternach, or “Aunt Margaret” as the locals knew her. Back in the day, Aunt Margaret held lavish dinner parties, homey gatherings, and even a Bible Study group. Stars from Shady Lane Dinner Theater were often her guests for dinner and even as live-in guests for the duration of a play. Old timers who drop in at Bulldog Antiques now, love to reminisce; some even claim they can feel her presence. ...READ MORE AT THE MARENGO TIMES